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September 30, 2014

Happy Fall, Y’all!

Since I live in central Florida there’s not much fall in my life. The key to staying seasonal with the rest of the country is to overwhelm your home with pumpkin-flavored everything and as much fake fall stuff as you can cram into a 700 square-foot apartment.

This past Saturday, the roomie and I hosted a fall crafternoon complete with pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin coffee and funnel cake (FUNNEL CAKE!?) and pumpkin painting.

To say the party was a success was obviously an understatement.

Pumpkin Painting:

IMG_7001 IMG_7004

I highly recommend a pumpkin painting party. Your pumpkin will last the whole fall season and you can make it match your home (hence the gold and white all over).

Now, on to the food ideas – Time to make some funnel cake!

Vegetable Oil
1 Cup Pancake Batter
2/3 Cup Water
Powdered Sugar

Heat up the oil on the stove top – I saw somewhere that it should be 350 degrees, but as a normal person I did not possess a thermometer for oil so I guessed by putting some of the batter in the oil and waited until that began sizzling. Once it seems nice and cooked on one side, turn it over and prepare a plate with a napkin on it. When it is done, take it out and sprinkle some (or in my case, lots) of powdered sugar and serve up!


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