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October 22, 2019

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Recently, I listened to the podcast, “It’s the Little Things” where they spoke on the idea of fostering micro-neighborliness. The idea that small acts in your neighborhood could slowly build not just friendly waves shared by strangers but an actual community where you live

I purchased a home in March, my first home! And since that time I’ve had few periods of rest and focus, but have managed to add a little paint, decorate for the fall season and have friends over.

But I cannot name one person that I live near. There’s a family next door who loves to sit outside and listen to music, there’s a woman across the way who chats outdoors on her phone and has frequent visitors and the kids behind me once set up a basketball court in my driveway … which I asked them to move.

So, my neighborliness hasn’t even been micro. It’s been non-existent.

The crazy part is I think one of my giftings is creating a community where I am. In every workplace, I’ve made it a point to create and enforce an atmosphere of camaraderie and care, but for some reason when I get home the idea of moving from the couch has felt almost impossible.

But NO MORE! I’ve written up a list of 10 to-do items to create the type of neighborhood I want to live in. One where I know my neighbors, can love on them and can create a home inside my neighborhood. I’m writing this here because eight months of living in my home with no action means I need accountability.


Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash

Neighborhood Outreach To-Do List:

  1. Just Popping In. Create a little “welcome to the neighborhood” giveaway to give to every home in my proximity.
  2. Be outside. Walk or sit on my porch for one hour every week. (Start small, work your way up to more time).
  3. Learn one household of names a month, more if I’m feeling ambitious.
  4. Welcome new neighbors. Be the neighbor you want to be!
  5. Participate in the Neighborhood Events.
  6. Give out Christmas presents. At my apartment complex, I created some hot chocolate mix inside an ornament – it required a little more finesse than I realized, but the outcome was awesome. I got to know several neighbors and even had one give me cookies the next day!
  7. Give out seasonal food. Once a season I want to sit outside and give out a treat for my neighbors.
    1. Popsicles / Lemonade – Summer
    2. Caramel Corn / Hot Cider – Fall
    3. Gingerbread Cookies / Hot Chocolate – Winter
    4. Easter Cookies / Strawberry Lemonade – Spring
  8. Organize a Block Party. This one is going to take me getting to know people, but I think if I get through 1-7 then this one will come together!
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